Monday, July 21, 2008


Starting again: Once again, we're about to start harvesting and packing boxes and bags. The first collection day will be Friday 25 July. Val has tried to be in touch with every customer about this. To get in touch, remember there's our contact page on the Llangybi Organics website.
Help 1! We need a few more customers. Several former customers have left, mainly because of the travel involved in these days of rising fuel prices. Happily, most of you are members of self-organised groups which really keeps costs, carbon footprints and inconvenience down. So please spread the word to friends, family and neighbours about our vegetables.
Help 2: This is a good place to say a big thank you to Deio, our stalwart and trusty volunteer who comes to help us on a regular basis. His wife Danielle comes too from time to time, so thanks to her too! We could do with a few more people who'd be prepared to come and help out now and then. Please contact Val or Jill if you could. What we really need is a few people who'd be happy to come when we're doing something which needs several people. The potato harvest is a good example of the sort of thing.
The year so far: It's customary to grumble about the weather at this point. Since everyone does that all the time this 'summer', I can say that it has suited us quite well. Regular rain and sunny periods and not too much hot weather work well for the range of veg we grow. The rain brings on the weeds, of course, and we've all, aided by Deio once again, been weeding like mad over the recent weeks, especially the carrots (picture shows Val handweeding at Mur Crusto). But on the whole, things have done quite well and potato blight, although in the area, hasn't hit us yet. So the bags and boxes should have plenty of tasty fresh veg in them. Raspberries will be increasingly available as our autumn raspberries 'kick in' as will fruit like apples and pears.